Sunday, January 8, 2017

Potoler Dolma (stuffed parwal)

I am remembering a lot of fun memories while writing this recipe. When I first came to the US we didn't find pointed gourd or parwal in the west coast. I was literally so sad to have missed my most favorite vegetable, I even considered moving to the East Coast or to India for that matter. After that when we started getting parwal in the west coast I remember it was very expensive. I would still buy as much as I could and then we had all sorts of potol recipes for the rest of the week. Unfortunately, my husband wasn't that fond of potol as much as I was. Strangely for potol I have seen either people love them or hate them, usually no middle ground. One very popular potol recipe in Bengal is "potoler dolma" or stuffed potol. It is made with much bigger gourds. However, it is quite difficult to make dolma with the small gourds we get here, I still manage to make them once in a while. The stuffing can be either vegetarian or non-vegetarian. Usually, non-vegetarian dolma is served during wedding/reception lunches, made with fish or minced meat or prawn. While the vegetarian stuffing is made with the pulp (inside of a potol) mixed with coconut or some kind of nuts. This particular recipe is vegetarian. This is one of those recipes that require longer prep-time that cooking time. 

potoler dolma

Pointed gourd or parwal, about 6-7, inside pulp including seeds scooped out
Chopped onion 1/4th cup
Ginger 1/2 tsp for stuffing and 1/2 teaspoon for cooking
Green chilli- 2 or 3
1/2 tomato chopped
1/2 tsp cumin powder
Pinch of whole cumin for tempering
Salt and sugar for taste
1 tsp turmeric

With the help of a knife lightly scrape the body of the gourds
then cut one tip so we can fit the back of a spoon and scoop out the meat inside (like photos)
Grate the pulp with the coconut and and ginger
Smear the gourds with salt and turmeric and fry lightly until they are cooked and fried
To prepare the stuffing add some oil to the pan, add onion and fry well
Add ginger (1/2 tsp), and saute well
Add the grated coconut and fry well
Add salt and sugar per taste
Now fill the gourds with this filling once ready to handle
In a separate pan add some more oil
Temper some whole cumin
Add ginger and rest of the tomato
Add the whole chillies
After sauteing well add some cumin powder
Add a little water depending on how much gravy you want (I made this one very dry)
Add salt and sugar
Spread the gravy over the gourds


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